24 March 2025

Website Policies

National Security Guard

This is the Official website of National Security Guard, designed, developed and hosted by National Informatics Centre (NIC).The site has been developed to provide information to the general public. An attempt has been made through this site to provide reliable, comprehensive, accurate information . Hyperlinks at various places have been provided to other Indian Government Portals/Websites. The content in this site is the result of a collaborative effort of various Groups and Divisions of the Department. It is our endeavour to continue the enhancement and enrichment of this site in terms of content coverage, design and technology on a regular basis.

Hyperlinking Policy

(i) Links to external websites/portals

At many places in this website, you shall find links to other websites/portals.
These links have been placed for users convenience. National security gaurd, Government of India is not responsible
for the contents and reliability of the linked websites and does not necessarily endorse the views expressed in them.
Mere presence of the link or its listing on this website should not be assumed as endorsement of any kind. We cannot guarantee
that these links will work all the time and we have no control over availability of linked pages.

(ii)Links to the NSG Security guard, Government of India website by other websites /portals

We do not object to you linking directly to the information that is hosted on this site and no prior permission is required for the same.
However, we would like you to inform us about any links provided to this Portal so that you can be informed of any changes or updations therein.
Also, we do not permit our pages to be loaded into frames on your site. The pages belonging to this site must load into a newly opened browser window of the User.

S.No. Name List of External Link URL
1. Assam Rifles
2. Ministry of Ayush - International Day of Yoga
3. BPR&D
4. BSF
5. CBI
9. MHA
10. NCRB
11. Indian Police in Service of the Nation
12. Cyber Saftey

Copyright Policy

The contents of this website may not be reproduced partially or fully, without due permission from "National Security Gaurd ”.
All content present on this website has been indigenously developed by "National security guard IT Communication".
No third party content is uploaded on the website as all the content provided on the website has been indigenously developed.

Privacy Policy

National Security Guard does not automatically capture any specific personal information from you, (like name, phone number or e-mail address), that allows us to identify you individually. If the National Security Guard requests you to provide personal information, you will be informed for the particular purposes for which the information is gathered and adequate security measures will be taken to protect your personal information. We do not sell or share any personally identifiable information volunteered on the Website to any third party (public/private). Any information provided to this website will be protected from loss, misuse, unauthorized access or disclosure, alteration, or destruction. We gather certain information about the User, such as Internet protocol (IP) addresses, domain name, browser type, operating system, the date and time of the visit and the pages visited. We make no attempt to link these addresses with the identity of individuals visiting our site unless an attempt to damage the site has been detected.

Security Policy

Increasing compexity of data access due to multiplicity of platforms leads to multiple leakage scenarios while data is being created, accessed and utilized.
Network server system , endpoints, application physical environments, and communication are involved in the execution of a data transaction .
These elements contribute to the security posture of data.
Value associated with data collected by an organization is increasing phenomenally,attracting the attention of adversaries and attackers.
Security threats are becoming more organized and targeted , reaping immense benefits out of data compromises .
This has led to the increasing concentration of these threats at the data layer.

Content Archival Policy (CAP)

Content Archival Mechanism is in place to ensure that all outdated announcements are removed from the website or moved to archive. This will help the website team in ensuring that the expired contents are removed from the main website. The Archival System is available on the Website will transfer the expired content in the archives section as soon as it reaches the expiry date. Archived Data will be available with search option to search archived data.

S.No. Content Element Entry Policy Exit Policy
1. About Us Whenever
Ministries are merged
Perpetual (10 years) since date
of entry into archival.
2. Tender As soon as validity date of published content expired then automatically move to archive section. One (01) Month since date of
3. Gallery As soon as validity date of published content expired then automatically move to archive section. Three (03) years since date of
4. Policies Discontinuation of
Policy by Government
– Central/State
Perpetual (5 years) since date
of entry into archival.
5. Recruitment/Notifications As soon as validity date of published content expired then automatically move to archive section. One (01) Month since date of

Contribution, Moderation & Approval Policy (CMAP)

Content is created by the Nodal Officers designated by Group heads. The content is approved by the respective Group Heads and emailed to nsghq[at]nic[dot]in for publishing on the National Security Guard website. It is required to contribute the content through an
Official email id ([dot]gov[dot]in/[dot]nic[dot]in) only to nsghq[at]nic[dot]in
To maintain uniformity and to bring in standardization along with associated metadata and keywords of this document content across the website is to be kept consistent with the ‘Guidelines for Content Categories in NSG-Website.
Content received by webmaster on the designated email nsghq[at]nic[dot]in is published on the website through a web-based Content Management System within the same working day.
Once published the Nodal Officer under the Group heads are notified to verify and confirm.
The responsibility of the website content however, lies with the Web Information Manager.

Creator Moderator Approver Publisher
Administration Branch Group Commander DIG Comn. OC IT
Establishment Branch Group Commander DIG Comn. OC IT
Provisioning Branch Group Commander DIG Comn. OC IT
Communication Branch Group Commander DIG Comn. OC IT
Intelligence Branch Group Commander DIG Comn. OC IT
Engineering Branch Group Commander DIG Comn. OC IT

Content Review Policy (CRP)

The web Administrator and the assigned Personnel will have the responsibility for periodically reviewing the content of the website in respect of their respective domains and keeping the information Up to Date. The matrix below gives the Content Review Policy:

S.No. Content Element Frequency of Review Approver
1. About Us Quarterly Web Information Manager
2. Dashboard Quarterly Web Information Manager
3. Gallery Quarterly Immediate-for new Acts/rules Web Information Manager
4. Contact Us Immediate Web Information Manager
5. Login Immediate in case of an event. Web Information Manager
6. Application Process Quarterly Web Information Manager